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Demo access
Measurement Trainer - ScopeMeter
Measurement Trainer - Power quality
Measurement Trainer - complete package
Expert System
Premium package
Access to selected demo videos of the measurement trainer and selected areas of the expert system
Access to all training videos for the ScopeMeter 190 II
Access to all training videos for the Fluke 435 and Fluke 435 II power analysers
Access to the expert system: What does the measurement tell me, interpretation of the measurement data
Cross-connection from the expert system to the videos and vice versa: what do I measure and how, and then: what does the measurement tell me?
Price per year 0,00 EUR * 1250,00 EUR * 1250,00 EUR * 2450,00 EUR * 1950,00 EUR * 2950,00 EUR *
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*Price per year, all prices are exclusive of VAT.
  • Demo access

    Limited access for familiarisation, but free of charge!

    order now Price 0,00 EUR*
  • Measurement Trainer - ScopeMeter

    This package contains training videos for the ScopeMeter 190 II. You will receive instructions on configuration, the individual measurement menus, the correct connection to the network and how to read out the data and software settings. You can access the individual menu items directly without having to wait for long training videos. The videos take up the practical operating procedures so that you are optimally supported in your daily work - regardless of whether you are new to the operation or want to use your ScopeMeter again after a long break.

    order now Price 1250,00 EUR*
  • Measurement Trainer - Power quality

    This package contains training videos for the Fluke 435 and Fluke 435 II power analysers. You will receive instructions on configuration, the individual measurement menus, correct connection to the mains and how to read out the data and software settings. You can access the individual menu items directly without having to wait for long training videos. The videos take up the practical operating procedures so that you are optimally supported in your daily work - regardless of whether you are new to the operation or want to use your network analyser again after a long break.

    order now Price 1250,00 EUR*
  • Measurement Trainer - complete package

    This package combines the Power Quality Meters and ScopeMeter packages. This means it contains all the training videos from the Power Quality Meters (Fluke 435 and Fluke 435 II) plus Fluke ScopeMeter 190 II packages.

    order now Price 2450,00 EUR*
  • Expert System

    The interpretation of measured network analysis data is still complex and requires specialised knowledge. Users of network analysers often ask: I have a measurement result, but what does it mean and how do I get to the problem remedy? This is exactly where this expert system comes in. It helps you to interpret the data and select the right solution. Bodo Appel and Lothar Horn have each contributed 20 years of practical experience to this system in order to offer you optimum benefits.

    order now Price 1950,00 EUR*
  • Premium package

    The full programme. This package combines the packages Power Quality Meters, ScopeMeter plus the expert system. This means that it contains all the training videos from the packages mentioned and also the expert system.

    order now Price 2950,00 EUR*
*Price per year, all prices are exclusive of VAT.